Vegetables Growing and planting spinach: From sowing to harvesting Here you can find out how to grow and plant spinach. We give you tips on sowing spinach as a green manure and on companion plants in mixed cultivation.
What is the difference between fruit and vegetables? We explain the difference between fruits and vegetables.
Balcony Garden Urban gardening: where can I garden in the city? Here you can get an overview of different forms of urban gardening with ideas on where and how you can garden in the city.
Gardening in October - What to do in the garden? In this article, you will find out what gardening work there is to do in October and what you should look out for when turning compost and the like.
Crop rotation in the vegetable garden We explain how to plan a crop rotation for your vegetable garden.
Gardening in April: what to do April is here, the gardening season is starting and there is a lot to do in the vegetable garden. Find out what gardening work needs to be done in April in this article!
Garden/Bed creation Gardening in June: what you can plant and sow Find out here what you can plant, sow and harvest in June. There are also tips on what else to do in the garden.
Garden/Bed creation Garden in July: what to do This article gives you an overview of gardening in July and which plants you can harvest, sow and plant.
Fertilizing Hot rotting for compost: Faster composting We'll give you tips on hot composting, which will speed up your compost and make it compost faster.