Plan & Prepare Your Vegetable Garden: This Is How When do I start preparing my garden and what do I need to do? This article is giving you an overview so that you can start the new season in full force.
Deadwood Hedge: A Guide to Creating a Benjes Hedge How you can create and plant a deadwood hedge and what to consider, you will learn here in the article.
Sigrid Drage on Obtaining Your on Seeds Find out here how to obtain and harvest your own seeds with Sigrid Drage.
Garden Mulch: Types of Organic Mulch We explain what mulching is and give you tips for natural and organic mulching in the vegetable garden. You will also find out which types of mulch are available.
Planting Fruit Trees: About Apples, Pears & Plums You can find out how to plant fruit trees such as apples, pears and plums, the best time and tips in this article.
Creating and Planting a Mound Culture: A Guide In this article, you can find out how to create and plant a mound culture and what you need to bear in mind.
Create & Design a Permaculture Garden Find out more about the principles of permaculture and how you can create a permaculture garden with deadwood hedges, a pond, herb snail and more.