


created by Vio M. at 02.04.2023


Growth habit






sheltered from the wind


permeable soil


low acid

Season Overview



















Medium growth, upright, well-branched, 20-40 cm per year / medium-sized fruit / yellow skin, reddened on the sunny side, strongly striped / juicy, yellowish-white flesh / very old variety, therefore easily digestible / elegant flavor and sweet and sour taste / storage apple The winter apple 'Goldparmäne' is known to many under the name Wintergoldparmäne. It blossoms in white from the second half of April to the beginning of May. The tree grows between three and four meters high and up to three meters wide. This winter apple scores with the strong aroma of its fruit, which has a nutty flavor. The apples are ripe from September. The fruits of the winter apple only reach eating ripeness after being stored from October to January. Storage in a cold store is not recommended, as dark spots form on the skin at low temperatures. If the skin shrinks or appears wrinkled during storage, this has no effect on the taste of the apple. Apples are suitable for eating raw and for preparing juice and fruit dishes. Apples are also ideal for cakes. They keep for a very long time as dried apples. The apples have a flat, spherical shape with a broad, flat calyx surface. The medium-sized fruits have a smooth, shiny, greenish-yellow skin, the sunny side of which is golden and reddish. Fine reddish stripes on the skin are characteristic. The fruits of the 'Goldparmäne' winter apple exude a strong aroma. The flesh is crunchy, firm and juicy. It is yellowish-white in color, tangy and tastes sweet and sour. This traditional cultivated apple was long regarded as one of the best dessert fruit varieties. The 'Goldparmäne' has been known in England since the twelfth century. This fruit has been cultivated in Normandy since 1510. --- The apple belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae) and is one of the most widely cultivated fruit trees in the world and is classified as a pome fruit. There is a wide range of varieties, although most of them are cultivated by enthusiasts and are not grown conventionally. Today's cultivated varieties are largely derived from the wild varieties of the dwarf apple (Malus pumila) and the crab apple (Malus sylvestris). Apple trees can grow up to 10 m high. The white blossoms form and open in early to late spring, depending on the climatic conditions. The round to partially flat fruits of the apple are available in red, green or yellow.

Non hybrid


Growing tips

Apple blossoms only tolerate frost down to -1°C, so the location of the apple tree should not be susceptible to late frost. Apple trees like deep, humus-rich soil that is not too cold or wet. Diseases then develop more easily. In terms of varieties, there are some differences as to which conditions are best. A second apple tree can be helpful for pollination, as apple trees do not pollinate themselves. To plant a root-free apple tree, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and do not plant the apple tree deeper in the soil than before. Compost fertilization is recommended when planting. Shake the tree a little to distribute the soil between the roots. After filling up, press the soil down firmly and water well. In addition, shorten the top and side shoots by no more than half and tie the tree to a stake. Apple trees should be well fertilized once in March and supplemented with infusions in summer. If the apple tree has a very large crop of fruit in one year, it should be thinned out a little, otherwise it will only bear sparsely the following year. The crown of the apple tree should remain light, so prune inward-growing shoots in winter. To shorten overhanging branches with too many fruits, you should choose August. Nesting aids and food plants for insects can help to ensure a richer harvest. Apples can be harvested as soon as they have reached their typical color and come off the tree easily. Stored varieties should be harvested a little earlier. Liming for the winter can provide frost protection and protect against pests. The large, black seeds found in the fruit are suitable for propagation. The fruits are available in specialist fruit stores and sometimes also in supermarkets. Use sandy, lean soil and bury the seeds at a depth of approx. 2 cm. Germination takes place at 20-25°C, usually within 3 weeks. However, it can also take up to six months for them to germinate. Pests include the codling moth and the apple web moth. Diseases also include apple scab. Collect fallen leaves in the fall and dispose of them in the organic waste garbage can.


Light requirement


Water requirement



Medium (loamy)

Nutrient requirement


Germination temperature

20–25 °C (Degrees Celsius)

Plant distance

250 cm

Row spacing

300 cm

Seeding depth

1 cm

Antagonistic Plants

No antagonistic plants


Powdery mildews





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